12 Converting Email Follow Up Templates That Get Sales

Did you know that nearly 80% of prospects require a bare minimum of five follow-ups, in order to become customers? As an email list manager or sales person, follow-up isn’t optional anymore. It’s actually the most important part of closing deals & turning leads into customers. No matter how much you might dread it, mastering the art of following up can make or break a businesses success.

The great thing is that a lack of response from prospects doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not interested. Many businesses make the mistake of assuming that they’ll annoy prospects by continuing to reach out. The truth? Follow-up emails are a strategic tool you must learn to use effectively—right after mastering the perfect cold email.

Let’s get started with giving you access to the 12 top converting email follow up templates that can get you sales today.

12 Follow-Up Email Templates That Drive Sales

Here’s a list of powerful follow-up email templates designed to give you a better idea of how to engage your prospects. Make sure to customize these based on your industry, the prospect type you’re talking to, and your own personality. This ensures higher conversions & response rates.

Short Follow-Up Email Template

Quick, concise emails are often best. Busy prospects appreciate brevity. Here’s a template for a short follow-up when you haven’t received a response:

Template 1:

Hi {{first_name}},

Hope you’re doing well! I wanted to check in on my previous suggestion about {{product_name}}. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.


This approach is polite, direct, and doesn’t waste time.

Tip: Try changing up the CTA from your first email.

Post-Meeting Follow-Up Email Template

If you’ve recently had a meeting and haven’t heard back, here’s how to reengage:

Template 2:

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m following up on our meeting about {{product/service_name}}. Thanks again for your time on {{meeting_day}}! I’ve spoken to my manager, and we can accommodate {{special_request}}.

Let me know if we’re ready to move forward.


Tip: Remind them how your solution solves their specific pain points.

Template 3:
Subject: Ready to follow up?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thanks again for your time. Let me know how you’d like to proceed, or if you’re still interested in moving forward.

Looking forward to your reply,

Follow-Up After No Response

Sometimes, emails get lost in busy inboxes. Meaning you need to properly follow up again with all leads who haven’t opened or clicked on any emails. Here’s how to tactfully check in:

Template 4:

Hi {{first_name}},

I wanted to follow up on my previous email about {{product/service_name}} and how it can increase sales by 20%. We’re also offering a 10% discount and full training right now.

Let me know if you’d like more details.


Another approach is to share something valuable, like a useful tip or resource:

Template 5:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Since you’re facing {{problem}}, I thought I’d share a quick tip our customers find helpful:

– Tip 1:

  • Tip 2
  • Tip 3*

I have more ideas I’d love to discuss—just let me know if you’re interested!


Make sure that these are customized strategies specific to your audiences needs, desires, and problems. Giving random statistics & generalized content won’t perform well.

Follow-Up Email Asking for a Referral

Sometimes the prospect you’re wanting to close just won’t buy, or they aren’t ready at the moment. If you’ve realized you might not be talking to the right person, here’s how to ask for a referral:

Template 6:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I reached out earlier about {{your_company/product_name}} but now realize I might be speaking to the wrong person. Could you connect me with the decision-maker?


Tip: Make it easy for them to point you in the right direction.

After Trigger Follow-Up

If a prospect engages with your email by clicking links or downloading content, but doesn’t reply, a follow-up could be the key to closing:

Template 7:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I noticed you checked out my last email and visited our site. I’d love to chat about how {{product_name}} could help {{prospect’s_company}} with {{benefit}}.

When’s a good time to talk?


Remember, each follow-up is an opportunity to build a relationship and move the conversation forward. Keep the tone respectful and provide value, and you’ll see your success rate climb.

Refining your follow-up game is the secret to standing out and closing more deals. So, stay persistent, strategic, and don’t be afraid to send that next email!

You’re right! Let me continue with the remaining 5 templates in the same style:

Another Follow-Up After No Response

Instead of a basic check-in, offer something valuable like a blog post or resource that could reignite interest:

Template 8:
Hi {{prospect_name}},

I was surprised I didn’t hear back from you regarding {{product_name}}. I’m sure you’re busy, but I thought you might find this blog post on {{relevant_topic}} helpful.

Would love to hear your thoughts when you have a chance.


Tip: Keep the focus on adding value and offering resources to build credibility.

Follow-Up Email for Asking a Referral (Continued)

Sometimes, you may want a simpler, more direct referral request:

Template 9:
Hi {{prospect_name}},

I haven’t heard back from you, and I’m wondering if there’s someone else I should speak to regarding {{product/service_name}}. Could you connect me with the right person?

I’d really appreciate your help!

After Trigger Follow-Up (Continued)

When a prospect engages with your email but doesn’t reply, you need a subtle nudge to grab their attention:

Template 10:
Hi {{prospect_name}},

I noticed you clicked on the link in my previous email. Have you had a chance to consider {{product_name}} for {{prospect’s_company}}?

I’d love to answer any questions and discuss how it could benefit you. Can we jump on a call?


Trigger-Based Follow-Up After Interest

If they’ve shown interest but haven’t taken the next step, this template can help spark action:

Template 11:
Hi {{prospect_name}},

I saw that you looked at our product online. I wanted to see if you had any questions about making the switch to {{product_name}}.

I’m happy to jump on a quick call to go over any concerns. Let me know when you’re available this week!


Follow-Up After an Event

If you’ve met a prospect at an event or after a significant interaction, this template helps you reestablish the connection:

Template 12:
Hi {{prospect_name}},

It was great meeting you at {{event_name}}! I’d love to follow up on our conversation about {{product/service_name}}.

Would you be interested in continuing our discussion over a call sometime this week?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Final Thoughts On Applying These Email Template Resources In Your Follow Up

Now that completes the set. With these additional templates, you’re fully equipped with a range of follow-up strategies to increase your chances of closing more deals. Let me know if you need further adjustments! Follow up, especially in email marketing, is the key to maximizing return on ad spend & turning all ads into winners.

Scaling comes from the liquidation and monetization of your ad spend, which of course is generated from your sales process, but also mainly from follow up.

With my kindest regards,

Jon Weberg – CEO of Profitalize.com

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